Our Services

Safaris & Tours

Travel and tours are an essential part of the modern world.  To make the travel experience comfortable, convenient, and safe, that’s  we come into the picture. 

We offer customized itinerary, accommodation, transportation, and guides according to your budget and preferences. 


Likumbi Travel & tours create memorable experiences and help people learn about different cultures and lifestyles.

Car Hire Services

Looking To Rent A Car Either For Few Days Or On Long Term Hire, We Have You Covered And We Offer The Best Rates Guaranteed For You.

We Have A Wide Variety Of Vehicles Available For You To Choose From Is It A Full-Size Sedans, Compact Sedans, 4 X 4 SUV, 4×4 Double-Cab, MID Size SUV, Mini Bus:8 Seater, Mini Bus:14 Seater Or Mini Bus:26-30 Seater. 

Whatever Your Preference Is We Are Here For You.

Travel Services

Likumbi Travel & Tours provide assistance and support to travelers, both before and during their trips. These include booking and arranging airline tickets, accommodations, and other travel-related services. In addition, we offer trip planning advice and assistance, such as recommending travel itineraries based on the clients interests and preferences. We also provide safety and security information and assistance, such as travel insurance and emergency response services. With our travel services we aim to make the travel experience more convenient, safe, and enjoyable for our clients.

Why Likumbi Travel & tours?

We prioritize customer satisfaction and always strive to 

provide high-quality services that meet the specific needs of each client. We have a team of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering exceptional results.

In addition, we offer competitive pricing and flexible payment plans to accommodate various budgets. We also provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the entire process


Overall, we are committed to providing the best travel and tour services possible and ensure that our clients receive the value they deserve.

Local Experts

Unique Trips

Responsive Travel

Dedicated Support

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